Installing SharePoint 2010 in Windows 7 (64 bit)

Installing SharePoint 2010 in Windows 7 (64 bit)

Many people faces problem in installing SharePoint 2010 Server in windows 7 because it doesn’t directly support it and you will get error about operation system while attempting to install. But there are certain steps which can guide you to install SharePoint 2010 in your machine. I hope you know how to install SharePoint 2007 in windows 7. No need to worry, it is not the prerequisites for the installation of SharePoint 2010. However, if you need it you can see it here. But that tweaks doesn’t work for 2010. So you must follow some steps to run SharePoint 2010 in your Windows 7 (64 bit) machine.

1)      Install the following update.

2)      Extract the installation files from the setup using command d:\Software\SharePoint10\SharePointServer /extract:d\SharePointServerFiles. In my case source directory is d:\Software\SharePoint10 and target directory is d:\ SharePointServerFiles.

3)      In the target directory find the config.xml a following d:\ SharePointServerFiles \files\Setup\ and add the following line of text in configuration node <Setting Id=”AllowWindowsClientInstall” Value=”True”/>. Now your configuration file would be something like below:

	<Package Id="sts">
		<Setting Id="LAUNCHEDFROMSETUPSTS" Value="Yes"/>
	<DATADIR Value="%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\Web ServerExtensions\14\Data" />
	<Package Id="spswfe">
		<Setting Id="SETUPCALLED" Value="1"/>

	<Logging Type="verbose" Path="%temp%" Template="SharePoint Server Setup(*).log"/>
	<!--<PIDKEY Value="Enter Product Key Here" />-->
	<Setting Id="USINGUIINSTALLMODE" Value="1"/>
	<Setting Id="SETUPTYPE" Value="CLEAN_INSTALL"/>
	<Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="Never"/>
	<Setting Id="AllowWindowsClientInstall" Value="True"/>

4)      Now, it is the time to install the prerequisite installer files.  First install filter pack in the path d:\ SharePointServerFiles \PrerequisiteInstallerFiles\FilterPack\ FilterPack.msi.  Now install following components:

  1. Microsoft Sync Framework
  2. SQL Server Native Client
  3. Windows Identity Foundation (Windows6.1-KB974405-x64.msu)

If you have Visual Studio 2010 installed in your machine then you may not have to install previous two components.

5)      Now, turn on the windows features for IIS for the components as shown in figure (AT LEAST, please). Type ‘optionalfeatures’ in run and enter to open windows features.

Fig continue:

6)      Now run setup.exe from ‘d:\ SharePointServerFiles’ to get installation wizard and choose Standalone installation to install all on one developer workstation.

7)      After the end of installation you need to run the configuration wizard. But before that you need to install some hotfix for SQL Server. Install SQL Server 2008 KB 970315 x64. You need to request the hotfix and Microsoft will send you in email the link and password that required for extraction. Note that you must install this hotfix to avoid the exception while configuration wizard is creating configuration database.

8)      Now, you can run your configuration wizard to configure SharePoint in your machine. Don’t panic; it takes time. Good luck.


1. I can open the Central Administrator site but links are not enabled in Central Administration -> Application Management -> Manage Web Applications. You cannot create new web application and extend existing one.

Sol: Make sure you have Windows Identity Foundation installed. Get it from here.  Now do not directly open the central admin site but first open Internet Explorer as administrator and open central admin page. Now, if still it is not working, you would like to use 64-bit IE (Same happened in my case). Furthermore, you can disable UAC to enable link but it is not good practice to disable UAC just for SharePoint.

2. Exception in Database Configuration step:  An exception oftype Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeException was thrown. Additional exception information: Failed to call GetTypes on assembly Microsoft.Office.Server.Search, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c. Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Web.DataVisualition, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Sol: The reason of this exception is the configuration doesn’t find the Chart Controls. Download it and install and re-run the configuration.

NOTE: If you have any issue, feel free to post it.

44 thoughts on “Installing SharePoint 2010 in Windows 7 (64 bit)

  1. hi, ive run the steps but when i run setup.exe i get a error saying that the config file is wrong. I entered in the path as stated in point 3. Have installed all the updates required and still get the config file error.

  2. Dear Pradip sir,
    Please guide me thru shrept 2010 installation on win 7 64 bit. And also please send the links of all setups.
    Thank u

  3. Thank you for this informative post.
    I have a question.
    Is it possible to install on Windows 7 64bit in Server Farm mode?

  4. help me… i get error message “Cannot connect to the configuration database.” when i start using sharepoint 2010 this morning, the day before is fine… thx

    • my problem solve.. the sql service is not start…

      btw i lik e to ask again… where the next tutorial when using sharepoint 2010 in windows 7, like how to create/use irm, create site, and etc…. thx

      • Great to hear your problem got fixed. Let me know if you need anything. Let me know if you have problem understanding the SharePoint or creating site, list, validation or others.

  5. spradip :
    Great to hear your problem got fixed. Let me know if you need anything. Let me know if you have problem understanding the SharePoint or creating site, list, validation or others.

    how to active the irm for secure the document…??

  6. When I try extracting the exe file I get this error message:
    ‘sharepointserver.exe’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.

    The command:
    C:\sharepointserver.exe /extract:c:\sharepointfiles\sharepoint

    What am I doing wrong?


  7. Hi Pradip, im in the middle of installation of Configuration wizard but got this error:

    Failed to provision the SharePoint Central Administration Web Application.

    An Exception of type System.ArgumentOutofRangeException was thrown. Additional Exception informtion:

    Index was out of Range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: Index

    Need your help.



    • This error is probably because of the problem with IIS. Please make sure your IIS has IIS 6 Management compatibility/IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration comptatibilty features enabled. If it still doesn’t work try re-installing IIS (Which I guess is not a good solution.

  8. Hi, You have an informative article here. I followed this to install Sharepoint Foundation 2010 on a Windows 7 (64 bit) computer and it all installed correctly except that when I try to go to the main Sharepoint page or the Central Admin site, I get a blank page. Some other sites suggest enabling “Basic Authentication” for IIS, which I did but that asks me for a username and password. I am not sure what username / password to use here. So, my questions are: 1) Can I get around the blank page issue by doing something else than turning basic authentication on for IIS? 2) If Basic authentication is on, what username / password should be used for the sites? This is a very basic initial install on a new laptop. Thanks. Jim G.

  9. SharePoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard on Windows 7 gave me this error:

    Failed to create sampledata.
    An excpetion of type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException was thrown.

  10. Really good post….Thanks very much!!
    It’s not well documented anywhere about how to install on Win7,especially about all the patches, so this was really useful.

  11. HTTP 500 Internal Server Error: While opening Central Administration | SP 2010 using Windows 7

    I am having this error while opening Central Administration of SP 2010
    I checked the event viewer got this as the last entry……..


    Log Name: Microsoft-SharePoint Products-Shared/Operational
    Source: Microsoft-SharePoint Products-SharePoint Server Search
    Date: 14-02-2013 23:35:08
    Event ID: 97
    Task Category: Admin Audit
    Level: Information
    Computer: Aman-PC
    An incremental crawl was started on ‘Local SharePoint sites’ by NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE.
    Event Xml:



    Microsoft-SharePoint Products-Shared/Operational

    Local SharePoint sites


    Please help me with it I am unable to find a fruitful answer online……

  12. I tried configuring SharePoint 2010 installed on a Windows 7 64 bit machine.I have tried all the basic steps which were mentioned in the similar posts
    The error I get is as below:
    an exception of type system.argumentoutofrangeexception was thrown.Additional exception information:Index was out of range.Must be non-negative and less than the size of collection.
    Steps I carried out:
    1. One of the post stated to delete the CA webapp created in IIS and re run the config again–I did.
    2. To uncheck some services in IIS and/or remove IIS and reinstall again and re run config–I did.
    3.Remove all the databases created and re run config –I did.
    I have installed:
    IIS 6.0,SQL Server 2008 R2,pre-requisites for Sharepoint 2010 all running on Win7 x64 with 6 GB of available RAM.
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance

  13. Hi, after installation of sharepoint server 2010,, during the configuration, it is asking to “CONNECT TO A SERVER FARM”, in which I am entering the details such as “Database Server”, “Database Name” and “Username” and “Password”, which it is not taking stating that the local user account cannot be used for configuration. Please help what to do…

  14. In general was very helpfull and correct.
    One thing was missing for me: installing .net 3.5 frameworkf upgrade from here:
    It will resolve an exception thrown at DB configuration time (step 2): Failed to call GetTypes on assembly Microsoft.Office.Server.Search, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c. Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Web.DataVisualization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeException: Failed to call GetTypes on assembly Microsoft.Office

  15. Anyone want to install SharePoint 2010 in windows 8 or facing problem in installation and configuration, I will guide you on my next blog post.

  16. hi sir iam trying to install sharepont foundation in win-7(64) bit os,.
    by clicking on sharepoint prerequisites ,i am getting an this tool is nt supported by current os.
    plz give me proper solution

    • Hi peasad,

      You cannot run prerequisites in windows 7/8 platform. You need to install all perquisites by yourself. You need to extract the setup.exe (or any other name) and follow the steps. Please follow the steps one by one as mentioned in this blog and you will get the proper result. Let me know if you have any question.

  17. The Setup configuration file FILES\SETUP\config.xml is not valid. Run Setup again without using a Setup configuration file, or fix the configuration file

  18. Hello Pradeep,

    First of all thanks for provinding nice information.

    I have done all the above steps to intsall Sharepoint server 2010 in windows 7. All the steps are done well including configuration part without any errors.

    Now the problem here when i click on Sharepoint Administration Tool its opened a IE with a blank screen.

    Can you please gudie me what more need to do view correctly.


  19. As i have gone through installation process I found message as – “The Language of this installation package is not supported by your system” what could be the reason.

  20. Hello Sir,
    I Want to install sp2010 on win 7 ultimate for that
    I Can Follow the the steps that given in doc.
    but at the time of installation of sharepoint configuration tool it
    ask me for Domain/username but on my machine their is workgroup
    i put the workgroupname/username but it cant process.
    plz tell me the solution

  21. Hi Pradip, I have had the same problem as other users in setting up SP 2010. I have tried following your instructions :- “Extract the installation files from the setup using command d:\Software\SharePoint10\SharePointServer /extract:d\SharePointServerFiles. In my case source directory is d:\Software\SharePoint10 and target directory is d:\ SharePointServerFiles but I receive the following “The device is not ready”.
    Do you know what I am doing wrong?

  22. Thanks a lot I have been trying to install sharepoint on my machine for the past two days. You just made it seem so simple. Thanks a lot.

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